New models
A small gallery of newly constructed models.
As you will find out, I am working on more projects in the same time. As well as finishing of some older models.
To view the pictures, click here.
Other news on:
Sisters of battle Imperial Guard Grey Knights
Tournaments Archive
City fight bases.
Models fighting in urban environment can't really be standing on a 'normal' base. There will of course be grass and dirt in the city but the majority will be pavement and debris.
The complete report on preparing these bases bases can be found here.
Other new conversions are:
Use of magnets GK Storm shield
Bugmans outpost Scenery additions to spice up the playground
The latest project features the building of a complete Dwarf brewery complex. In the future, the brewery will be part of a bigger project called: Karath Eight Peak.
> > > >
Other scenery projects:
Medusa V
Big 'ol ork Welcome on my homepage.
Whilst the site is still under construction, the content will grow over time.
On my main pages I will give information on progress on the site as well as my ongoing conversion and scenery projects.
Under the title 'races' more info can be found on my playable armies. Not only pictures but also reports on played battles and analysis on army composition.
For some armies (my oldest ones) I will even try to put together tips and tricks as well as alternative compositions.

You can help me to improve my site.
Any comment or tips are welcome. You can use the contact form to give me input.
If you want your project on my site. You can! Sent your conversion or scenery project to me. And I will try to get it on the site as soon as possible. Your (nick) name will be shown of course.
Contact me here