Sisters of Battle

for Strike force Medusa
The summer campaign of 2006 grants me the possibility of creating a complete new army.
Medusa V has it all. A unique storyline for every race in the universe and some great new models for my existing armies. (Check the news items on these additions) The fighting grounds on Medusa are located in highly populated areas. Which means lots of city fight, lots of cover and lots and lost of debris. Therefore the bases of my existing armies are not fit for these conditions
So I had the choice of getting some new units into my armies and do some extensive rebasing on the rest.
OR .....
build a new army.

And that's just what I'm doing.

A strike force typically consists of a single command character, two troop choices, one elite choice, one fast attack choice and one heavy choice. Basically the standard organization force.
So my force consists of:
(HQ) A mother-superior armed with a hand weapon and combibolter/meltagun 95 points
(TROOP) 9 Sisters with a superior, a flamer and a plasma cannon 135 points
(TROOP) 9 Sisters with a superior, a flamer and a plasma cannon 135 points
(ELITE) 9 pnitents acompnied by mistres with a power whip 120 points
(FA) 5 seraphim, 1 with two hand flamers 75 points
Total 600 points